International Education Programs

There is a great need for international educational programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. World Water Watch, together with partner organizations, is committed to “internationalizing-the-curriculum” at American universities, so that graduates will be better prepared to participate in and contribute to needed environmental protection and solutions.

WWW develops courses, curriculum, workshops, and field activities abroad to provide American students with the knowledge and understanding to contribute their skills in a global workplace. Programs are designed to include engineering, science and liberal arts students interested in working in the field of water resources.

Courses and programs are held in the U.S. and abroad, often in cooperation with universities, NGO’s and international organisations. We anticipate that our new initiative, the International Watershed Academy, will be an important resource for students in all countries in the Americas.

Partner and Collaborating organizations include:

Alliance for International Education and Cultural Exchange
Council for the International Exchange of Scholars
Inter-American Dialogue
World Learning for International Development

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